You Can! Youth Series

Meeting Plan

1. Icebreaker (5 mins)

  • Read and rehearse on how to play the game.
  • Prepare all the logistics needed.
  • During the icebreaker, be excited to play, give clear instructions, and be supportive Celebrate birthdays if there are any.

2. Inspired (10 mins)

  • 1 video per week.
  • Look through the video before playing. Pick up useful and striking lines from the video to help you in your sharing later. During the video, pray that the Holy Spirit will speak into their hearts and cause them to identify with the message.

3. Involved (15 mins)

  • Follow the instructions given in the booklet.
  • Set the tone for sharing by sharing how the video spoke to you and how you learnt to trust God and believe ‘You Can’ personally because of what Jesus has done.
  • Allow your friends to share what was a thought that they liked more or could relate more with. The session plans will provide the facilitation questions as well.
  • Do iBless and follow up with those who responded to the altar call.
  • Once done, ask them if they found the session useful and invite them for the next meeting.

4. Inform your leader on how the session has been

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Session 1 - You Can Overcome

Logistics & Preparation

Icebreaker: Nil

Inspire: Stream or download the video below


  1. Make small paper boxes from the given template. Make one each for each member attending your session.
  2. Bring a pair of scissors to your ‘You Can’ meeting.

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Session 2 - You Can Be Healed

Logistics & Preparation


  • Cut a heart shape out from an A4 paper or any paper about that size. (Pink colour would be even better!)
  • 1 small sticky post-it pad with at least 3 pieces per member.

Inspire: Stream or download the video below


  1. Body talc / powder

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Session 3 - You Can Win And Have Success

Logistics & Preparation


  • Buy a real prize, e.g. a Kit Kat bar, a packet of M&M'S, or gummies.
  • Get hold of these items and make a marking on them with a marker (or tag them by tying a string around it) so that your members will not produce a similar item to try to claim the points:
    - 5 packets of tissue paper
    - 3 pens
    - 3 paper clips
    - 1 staple bullet
  • Cut out the slips of paper, listing the items and points for the respective items. List is given in Appendix 3-A.
  • Go earlier and hide 12 items in the place that you are using for your 40DOF meeting. Do not hide items inside / under breakables, e.g. inside or under a vase, etc.

Inspire: Stream or download the video below


  1. 2 pieces of blank A4 paper, one titled ‘LOSER’ and the other ‘WINNER’.
  2. 1 marker
  3. Prepare a testimony, about 3 minutes in length, of how God has blessed you in your studies or CCA, something to share on how God has blessed you to be a winner / have success from being a loser / failure previously in that area.
  4. Practise reading and timing your testimony so that it is not more than 3 minutes. Mark out and remember key points so that you won’t blank out. (You can read your testimony to your friends too if you feel nervous.)
  5. A copy of Appendix 3-B with the verse, Proverbs 16:3. You can cut out the smaller slips if you wish (optional).

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Session 4 - You Can Be Special

Logistics & Preparation


  • 1 apple
  • 1 orange
  • Scotch tape
  • Scissors
  • 1 piece of red-coloured paper (collect from Youth admin)

Inspire: Stream or download the video below


  1. A copy or copies of nutrition information on ‘Comparing the Apple and the Orange’ in Appendix 4-A and 4-B. Cut out the charts for members. Appendix 4–B is optional.
  2. Cut out the slips of Bible verses of Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) in Appendix 4-C.

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Session 5 - You Can Do Great Things

Logistics & Preparation


  • Blank A4 paper, e.g. foolscap paper. One sheet per member.
  • Pens
  • Instructions to fold a paper aeroplane, Appendix 5-A. Learn how to make a paper airplane before your meeting if you don’t know how to do so.

Inspire: Stream or download the video below


  1. Blank A4 paper to record brainstorming
  2. Marker
  3. Make another paper airplane, to be used as demonstration
  4. Scissors
  5. Bible verse, John 14:12a (CEV), Appendix 5-B

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Session 6 - You Can Dream

Logistics & Preparation


  • Pencil box with up to 5 items: pencil, ruler, paper clip, penknife, and bookmark.
    - Use 1 stationery item per member or paired group, excluding the game leader for ‘You Can’ groups with 3 members and above.
    - For small ‘You Can’ groups with 1-2 members, the group leader should play.
    - Best to have a minimum of 3 items used so that when it’s sharing time, there is adequate variation.
  • Dental floss stick (given by Youth staff), pre-packed into your pencil box together with the rest of the stationery mentioned above.
  • Prizes, e.g. a Kit Kat bar, a packet of M&M'S, or gummies.
    - Groups with 1-2 members: Prizes for both (awkward to give one and not the other)
    - Groups with 3-5 members: 1 prize for 1 person
    - Groups with 6-10 members: 2 prizes for a pair of 2 persons (1 prize per person)

Inspire: Stream or download the video below


  1. Magic Markers, or pens if don’t have magic markers.
  2. Cut out the answers as loose slips at the bottom of Appendix 6-A for members to match to ‘You Can’ titles. Hand out 6-A table portion for members to slot in answers.
  3. Blank paper, pen, and learn to share John 3:16, Appendix 6-B.

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