You Can! English Series


  1. Group Leading Preparation
    a. Preview the DVD and materials before every meeting and determine how you want to facilitate each session. Anticipate possible questions that may be asked.
    b. Know the content. Be aware of how God is using the materials to impact you and be prepared to share how these powerful principles transform you.
    c. Pray for God's power, presence and guidance for each session. Pray for each participant by name. Ask God to give you discernment regarding how to encourage each person in your group, regardless where they are in their spiritual development.
  2. Meeting Place
    a. Choose a suitable time and place to meet.
    b. Arrange for a DVD player, TV, projector, speaker(s) etc to be available. Ensure that they are in good working condition.
    c. Prepare extra paper and pens. Prepare light refreshments, if appropriate, to help people feel relaxed and comfortable.

Leading the Meeting

  1. Create a friendly learning environment.
    No put-downs. Mutual respect is important. It is permissible for the group to challenge ideas, but not each other. Let your members feel free to answer and ask questions. There is no such thing as a stupid answer or question. No one is forced to talk and one person talks at a time. Each participant's opinion is worthwhile, it deserves to be heard. Establish that all contributions are valid and welcomed.
  2. Guide and steer the group.
    Look for opinions, not answers. Foster an environment of open discussion. Affirm all legitimate opinions. Listen actively and have good eye contact. Don't take sides during the discussion. Ask open-ended questions (questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no!). Use questions like How? Why? What? Anything else to add? Any other views? Such questions allow a full range of answers, not necessarily one 'right' answer. Keep the session moving without rushing. Once there are several good answers, move on to the next question. Do not be sidetracked when a question is too complex.
  3. Balance time management with sensitive group dynamics.
    Cover the materials, but be flexible enough to deal with your group's needs as the Spirit leads you. Watch out for teachable moments when hearts are open to new insights and transformation.
  4. Make an effort to encourage all to participate.
    Don't be afraid of silence. Allow time for group to think about questions raised. Help shy participants to find their voice without fear of getting it 'wrong'. Establish that all answers are valid and welcomed. This makes everyone feel valued and adds to the richness of the discussion.
  5. Be personable and responsive.
    Know names! (Provide tags, if group is big). Keep a list of participants. Greet people by name; it makes a difference.
  6. Build group chemistry.
    Help people interact and get to know each other. Organise a fun time/outing together during or after the 40 DOF Campaign.
  7. Try to summarise key points made during the discussion.

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Session 1 - You Can Overcome

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • List the seven 'You Can!'s that come from the seven times Jesus shed His blood for us.
  • Apply the first blessing of being an overcomer in challenging areas (indecision, fears, stress) in their lives.

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1. Icebreak (15 min)

Welcome everyone warmly to the group. Get acquainted with your group participants.

Play the following icebreaker:

Icebreaker – Getting to Know You
Take turns to share briefly: (as the leader, you start first)

  • Your name
  • Where you live
  • What you like to do in your leisure time

Transition: Thank you for joining us in this 'You Can!' Video Series. Today we begin with the first video on 'You Can
Overcome'. Let's watch the video together.

2. Inspire (20-25 min)

  • Distribute the worksheets.
  • Ask participants to fill in the blanks given in the worksheet(s) as they watch the video.
  • Play Session 1 – 'You Can Overcome' video message on the DVD.
  • Allow 20-25 minutes for the video presentation. Make sure the volume is appropriate, and that everyone has a good view of the screen.

Watch for the Main Points
Jesus shed His blood 7 times before He died on the cross. Every time He shed blood, it releases blessings we need for our lives. The seven blessings are: 1. You can overcome. 2. You can be healed. 3. You can win and have success. 4. You can be special. 5. You can do great things. 6. You can dream. 7. You can be happy.

Jesus shed His blood the first time in the Garden of Gethsemane. This blood shed by Jesus at the crossroads will bring victory to us. As we apply His blood , we can overcome our stress, indecision and fears in our lives.

We can become overcomers when we decide to do the will of God.

3. Interact (15-20 min)

When the video ends, help participants to complete the blanks on the worksheet(s). Review the content of the video briefly and launch into your discussion without delay. Use the following suggested questions. Be flexible depending on the specific need(s) of the group. Take the lead to share if no one is willing to but make it brief and concise so that others will have a chance to share their views.

Q1. Most of us will agree that Singapore is a stressful place to live in. What do you do when you are under stress?

Q2. In the video, the speaker said, "When you change, everything else in your life changes." What do you think about it? Does it make sense to you? Maybe you like to tell us your views on it.

4. Involve (10-15 min)

Sharing and Caring
Ask participants if any of them has an urgent need to share for prayer. As appropriate, pray for that need and close the meeting with a prayer.

Closing Prayer (optional, to be used as appropriate)
Dear Jesus, we are often stressed, fearful and indecisive in times of difficulties. Please help us to be overcomers. I pray that all of us will understand what You have done for us on the cross. Help us to learn the principles shared in the video and apply them in our lives. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

What's Up?

  • Encourage participants to provide their basic information (addresses, phone numbers, email addresses) before leaving your first meeting. Compile the information and create a chat group or distribute listing at your second meeting.
  • Encourage participants to bring friend(s) next week.

Session 2 - You Can Be Healed

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • State the significance of Jesus' shedding of His blood for the second time.
  • Apply the healing power of God in their body, soul and spirit through prayer.

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1. Icebreak (15 min)

Welcome everyone to the session. Have another round of introduction and warmly welcome the newcomers.

Ask participants if they were able to apply what they have learnt from the previous session(s). Note and affirm any praise items shared.

Introduce the following icebreaker:-

Icebreaker – How are you feeling?
Ask each participant to share his/her response to the following 2 questions:

  • On the scale of 1 to 10, rate how do you feel today?
    1 – Very bad, 10 – Very good.
  • What do you think are important factors that contribute to good emotional and physical health?

Transition: Let's watch this week's video, 'You Can be Healed' and see how we can have excellent health – body, soul and spirit!

2. Inspire (20-25 min)

  • Distribute the worksheets.
  • Ask participants to fill in the blanks given in the worksheet(s) as they watch the video.
  • Play Session 2 – You Can be Healed video message on the DVD.
  • Allow 20-25 minutes for the video presentation. Make sure the volume is sufficient, and that everyone has a good view.

Watch for the Main Points
The second time Jesus shed His blood was when He was flogged with the Roman whip. The blood that Jesus shed from His wounded body gives us the right to be healed in the physical body, our soul and our spirit. We can be set free from pain.

3. Interact (15-20 min)

When the video ends, help participants to complete the blanks on the worksheet(s). Review the content of the video briefly and launch into your discussion without delay. Use the following suggested questions. Be flexible depending on the specific need(s) of the group. Take the lead to share if no one is willing to but make it brief and concise so that others will have a chance to share their views.

Q1. In this session, we learn that God can heal our body, soul and spirit. What is your view on this?

Q2. Why is it so hard to forgive people who have hurt us? How will it affect us if we do not forgive?

4. Involve (10-15 min)

Sharing and Caring
Invite participants to share their physical, emotional or spiritual needs. Pray for them and minister God's healing.

Lead pre-believers in the salvation's prayer, if they express desire to invite Jesus into their lives:
Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Personal Saviour and Lord. Thank You for giving me eternal life and making me a child of God. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Closing Declaration – 3 times (optional, to be used as appropriate)
Lord Jesus, "By your stripes, I am healed. " The spirit of sickness has no place in my family and my body, soul, spirit. I apply your blood and in Jesus' name, I command every demon, every sickness and every pain to leave me and my family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

What's Up?
Encourage participants to bring friend(s) for the next session.

Session 3 - You Can Win And Have Success

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • State the third blessing that comes from Jesus shedding His blood from his forehead.
  • Identify the three changes in the workplace/school when Jesus reversed the curse of work through His death on the cross.

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1. Icebreak (15 min)

Welcome everyone to the session. Have another round of introduction and pay attention to the newcomers.

Ask participants if they were able to apply what they have learnt from the previous session(s). Note and affirm any praise items shared.

Introduce Icebreaker 1 or Icebreaker 2.

Icebreaker 1 – First Time
Share with one another what was one of your first successes as a child or youth that you can remember? For example, able to ride a bicycle, sing in a school concert, perform in a piano recital etc. How did you feel when you accomplished it?

Icebreaker 2 – Thumb Fight
Have everybody pair up and hold hands (fingers into fingers hold). Their thumbs should be down by the sides. When you say "Ready", the pair hold their thumbs up touching each other. At the signal "Go", they push each other's thumb and try to pin down their partner's thumb. The one who gets pinned down is out. Play until only one "winner" is left. The winner will receive a prize.

Transition: Let's watch this week's video on 'You Can Win and Have Success'.

2. Inspire (20-25 min)

  • Distribute the worksheets.
  • Ask participants to fill in the blanks given in the worksheet(s) as they watch the video.
  • Play Session 3 – 'You Can Win and Have Success' video message on the DVD.
  • Allow 20-25 minutes for the video presentation. Make sure the volume is sufficient, and that everyone has a good view.

Watch for the Main Points
Jesus shed His blood for the third time when they forced the crown of thorns onto His forehead. As the blood dripped from the wounds onto the ground, it reversed the curse that work/labour is a fruitless toil. Now, we can confidently enter our workplace with enjoyment, confidence and success. There are three areas of blessings we can experience in the workplace.

  1. In the workplace, there is sufficiency. God will provide for our needs and also give us extra to bless others who are in need. ( 2 Cor 9:8; Phil 4:19 )
  2. In the workplace, there is also satisfaction. God will help us to do our work in such a way that will bring satisfaction, fulfillment and joy. ( Prov 10:22 )
  3. In the workplace, there is also success. The blood that flowed from the thorny crown has restored man's position to rule and reign. God will grant us success which will bring Him glory.

3. Interact (15-20 min)

When the video ends, help participants to complete the blanks on the worksheet(s). Review the content of the video briefly and launch into your discussion without delay. Use the following suggested questions. Be flexible depending on the specific need(s) of the group. Take the lead to share if no one is willing to but make it brief and concise so that others will have a chance to share their views.

Q1. Share some fulfillment and challenges you experienced in your workplace/school.

Q2. What are some positive attitudes we need to develop so that we can win and have success in our workplace/school?

4. Involve (10-15 min)

Sharing and Caring
Invite participants to share their prayer needs. As the leader, pray for their needs and concerns. Minister to those who need God's healing.

Lead pre-believers in the salvation's prayer, if they express desire to invite Jesus into their lives:
Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Personal Saviour and Lord. Thank You for giving me eternal life and making me a child of God. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Closing Prayer (optional, to be used as appropriate)
Lord Jesus, thank you for shedding your blood on the cross for me. I want to apply the power of the blood that was shed from your head. I believe Jesus' blood from the head took the crown that Satan has under his control. Your blood has taken back the crown of victory, prosperity and authority.

I now command the thorns and thistles in my life and in my family to depart from me and my family. I declare that from today onwards, every curse my family has inherited and every curse over my work, school, property is transformed into blessing because of Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

What's Up?
Encourage participants to bring friend(s) for the next session.

Session 4 - You Can Be Special

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • State the significance of Jesus shedding His blood from His beard.
  • Apply the blood shed for the fourth time from His beard and gain a new dignity and identity.

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1. Icebreak (15 min)

Welcome everyone to the session. Have another round of introduction and pay attention to the newcomers.

Ask participants if they were able to apply what they have learnt from the previous session(s). Note and affirm any praise items shared.

Introduce Icebreaker 1 or Icebreaker 2.

Icebreaker 1 – Innovative Introduction
Ask each member to state his/her name and attach an adjective that not only describes a characteristic about himself/herself but also starts with the first letter of his/her name (eg Martin - Marvelous Martin, Siew Ling - Lovely Ling)

Icebreaker 2 – One of a Kind
People are wonderfully unique – a composite of their personalities, families, backgrounds, physical appearance, preferences, beliefs, values, goals and experiences. The experience you share is to be so unique that it is almost guaranteed that no one else in the group has had the same experience (eg unusual vacations; a weird injury; a special award; meeting someone famous; an unique adventure; an outstanding accomplishment; an embarrassing moment, etc). Have each person share two things that are special and unique about themselves but one of them is not true. The group must guess which one is false.

Transition: Each and everyone of us is indeed unique and different. Let's watch this week's video on 'You Can be Special' and find out how special we are!

2. Inspire (20-25 min)

  • Distribute the worksheets.
  • Ask participants to fill in the blanks given in the worksheet(s) as they watch the video.
  • Play Session 4 – 'You Can be Special' video message on the DVD.
  • Allow 20-25 minutes for the video presentation. Make sure the volume is sufficient, and that everyone has a good view.

Watch for the Main Points
The fourth time Jesus bled for us is from his face. He bled from His face so that He can restore our faces which represent our identity and significance. He lost His face so that in exchange we can have the image of God and His divine dignity. We can be special. In order to lay hold of our new identity and ignificance in Christ, we need to realise 2 truths:

1. Our dignity is found in our relationship with God.
2. Our identity determines our destiny God has for us.

3. Interact (15-20 min)

When the video ends, help participants to complete the blanks on the worksheet(s). Review the content of the video briefly and launch into your discussion without delay. Use the following suggested questions. Be flexible depending on the specific need(s) of the group. Take the lead to share if no one is willing to but make it brief and concise so that others will have a chance to share their views.

Q1. What are the factors that have affected your self image and identity in your life?

Q2. What did you learn from the video about a correct self image and identity?

4. Involve (10-15 min)

Sharing and Caring
Invite participants to share their prayer needs. As the leader, pray for their needs and concerns. Minister to those who need their self image and identity restored.

Lead pre-believers in the salvation's prayer, if they express desire to invite Jesus into their lives :
Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Personal Saviour and Lord. Thank You for giving me eternal life and making me a child of God. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Closing Prayer (optional, to be used as appropriate)
Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to You. I declare that I am a child of God, most loved, affirmed and approved by my Heavenly Father. I acknowledge that my identity and significance are not based on who I am or what I can do but they are based on who You are and what You have done for me on the cross. Thank you that I am special and perfect in your eyes. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

What's Up?
Encourage participants to bring friend(s) for the next session.

Session 5 - You Can Do Great Things

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify the fifth time Jesus shed His blood from His hands for us.
  • Claim the power and anointing to do great things for themselves and others.

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1. Icebreak (15 min)

Welcome everyone to the session. Have another round of introduction and pay attention to the newcomers.

Ask participants if they were able to apply what they have learnt from the previous session(s). Note and affirm any praise items shared.

Introduce Icebreaker 1 or Icebreaker 2.

Icebreaker 1 – Magic Rubber Bands
Teach them to do a magic trick using rubber bands.

Put a rubber band over the 3rd (ring) and 4th (little) fingers of your left or right hand. Close all your fingers and make into a fist. Pull the rubber band inwards toward you and loop the other part of the rubber band over the top end of your four fingers. Lift up all your 4 fingers and you will find the rubber band has been transferred over to the 1st (index) and 2nd (middle) fingers. To make it more magical, use 2 rubber bands now with different colours. Pull the 1st rubber band over the 3rd (ring) and 4th (little) fingers. Pull the 2nd rubber band over the 1st (index) and 2nd (middle) fingers. Pull the 2 rubber bands inwards towards you and loop the other part of the 2 rubber bands over the top end of your four fingers. Lift up your 4 fingers and see that the 2 rubber bands have changed places.

Those who know how to do it help those who need help. When everyone has finished, say to one another, "You can do great things".

Icebreaker 2
Share one thing you have done in your life that was considered "great" in your eyes with the group.

Transition: Thank you for your participation in our icebreakers. Let's watch this week's video on 'You Can Do Great Things'.

2. Inspire (20-25 min)

  • Distribute the worksheets.
  • Ask participants to fill in the blanks given in the worksheet(s) as they watch the video.
  • Play Session 5 – 'You Can Do Great Things' video message on the DVD.
  • Allow 20-25 minutes for the video presentation. Make sure the volume is sufficient, and that everyone has a good view.

Watch for the Main Points:
When you receive the blood of Christ shed from His hands, you can do great things for God because your hands are now the hands of God. As you receive the hands of God today, you can do great things 1) for yourself and 2) for others.

3. Interact (15-20min))

When the video ends, help participants to complete the blanks on the worksheet(s). Review the content of the video briefly and launch into your discussion without delay. Use the following suggested questions. Be flexible depending on the specific need(s) of the group. Take the lead to share if no one is willing to but make it brief and concise so that others will have a chance to share their views.

Q1. What were some great things people have accomplished that impressed you?

Q2. What are some things you would like to do for yourself and others?

4. Involve (10-15 min)

Sharing and Caring
Invite participants to share their prayer requests. Ask if there are any constraints or limitations that should hinder them from accomplishing what they plan to do. Pray for them.

Lead pre-believers in the salvation's prayer, if they express desire to invite Jesus into their lives:
Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Personal Saviour and Lord. Thank You for giving me eternal life and making me a child of God. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Closing Prayer (optional, to be used as appropriate):
Lord Jesus, thank you for shedding blood from your hands for me. I appropriate the blood for my own hands. Bless my hands so that they can be used to release blessings and to serve others. Give me the power to heal the sick, help those in need. May the works of my hands bring you great joy and glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

What's Up?

  • Encourage participants to bring friend(s) for the next session.
  • Encourage members to keep Saturday or Sunday weekend free so that they can join you for church service.

Session 6 - You Can Dream

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify the sixth time Jesus shed His blood from His feet for us.
  • Apply His blood and ask God to help them fulfill God's dream and purpose in their lives.

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1. Icebreak (15 min)

Welcome everyone to the session. Have another round of introduction and pay attention to the newcomers.

Ask participants if they were able to apply what they have learnt from the previous session(s). Note and affirm any praise items shared.

Introduce the following icebreaker:

Icebreaker – My Dream Come True
Get everyone to take turns to share their dream of what they will like to achieve if money/time/resources is not an issue. Have fun dreaming and hearing each other's greatest desire.

Transition: Thank you for your participation. Let's watch this week's video on 'You Can Dream'.

2. Inspire (20-25 min)

  • Distribute the worksheets.
  • Ask participants to fill in the blanks given in the worksheet(s) as they watch the video.
  • Play Session 6 – 'You Can Dream' video message on the DVD.
  • Allow 20-25 minutes for the video presentation. Make sure the volume is sufficient, and that everyone has a good view.

Watch for the Main Points
The sixth time Jesus shed blood for us was from His feet. The blood that was shed from His feet keeps us from feeling lost and directionless. There are 3 important truths we need to know in order to fulfill the dream and purpose of our lives. The first truth is that the dream and purpose of our lives cannot be found in ourselves. The second truth is that God has a dream for you. God has left an owner's manual- the bible, with your purpose clearly spelt out for you. The third truth is that God's dream and purpose for your life will only be realised in you through faith.

3. Interact (15-20 min)

When the video ends, help participants to complete the blanks on the worksheet(s). Review the content of the video briefly and launch into your discussion without delay. Use the following suggested questions. Be flexible depending on the specific need(s) of the group. Take the lead to share if no one is willing to but make it brief and concise so that others will have a chance to share their views.

Q1. What was your childhood dream about your future? Share how it turned out for you.

Q2. As you realise that God loves you deeply and has a purpose for your life, what changes would you make to your present lifestyle?

4. Involve (10-15 min)

Sharing and Caring
Invite participants to share their prayer needs. Pray for them.

Lead pre-believers in the salvation's prayer, if they express desire to invite Jesus into their lives:
Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Personal Saviour and Lord. Thank You for giving me eternal life and making me a child of God. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Closing Prayer (optional, to be used as appropriate):
Dear Lord Jesus, I appropriate the blood that was shed from your feet when you were nailed to the cross for my sins. Thank you for directing my feet onto the right path. Help me Lord to remember the reasons for my existence. Grant me a purpose for my life. Teach me to dare to dream big dreams for You, Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

What's Up ?

  • Encourage them to bring along their friends to church service.
  • Invite participants to a fun get together or makan session to meet up (if you have not organized one yet). Confirm with them the date and venue of the gathering.

Session 7 - You Can Be Happy

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this session, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify the seventh time Jesus shed His blood from His heart.
  • Apply the blood shed from His heart and ask God to help them to be truly happy.

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1. Icebreak (15 min)

Ask participants if they were able to apply what they have learnt from the previous session(s). Note and affirm any praise items shared.

Introduce the following icebreaker:

Icebreaker - Heart Attack
Get all the participants to be seated in a circle. Have a pack of playing cards ready utilising only the required sets of numbers corresponding to the number of members playing e.g. if there are altogether eight members playing, utilise only the sets of numbers from 1 to 8. Shuffle the cards and distribute 4 pieces to each member. At a synchronized timing, every participant must discard one unwanted card face downwards to the player on the right and pick up the card issued by the player on the left. This will continue until someone gets all four cards with the same number. When someone gets all four cards with the same number, he/she will shout "Heart Attack". Immediately everyone must stretch out one hand towards the centre of the circle and pile the hand, palm downwards, one on top of the other. The one who shouted "Heart Attack" will have the opportunity to hit the pile of hands from the top, whilst everyone tries not to get their hand being hit by pulling it away just when the person is about to strike. Play this a few rounds.

Transition: It was fun playing the icebreaker. Let's watch this week's video, "You Can Be Happy".

2. Inspire (20-25 min)

  • Distribute the worksheets.
  • Ask participants to fill in the blanks given in the worksheet(s) as they watch the video.
  • Play Session 7 – 'You Can Be Happy' video message on the DVD.
  • Allow 20-25 minutes for the video presentation. Make sure the volume is sufficient, and that everyone has a good view.

Watch for the Main Points
The seventh time Jesus bled for us is from his heart. Man has always been seeking happiness from wrong sources such as money, success, fun, relationships etc. However, the bible tells us that the true happiness we can experience in our lives is determined by the condition of our heart and not by circumstances around us. Happiness begins with knowing God. Jesus wants to exchange our heart of brokenness – one that is filled with disappointments, anger, bitterness and fear with His heart. He wants to give us a new heart that will give us true joy, happiness and fulfillment.

3. Interact (15-20 min)

When the video ends, help participants to complete the blanks on the worksheet(s). Review the content of the video briefly and launch into your discussion without delay. Use the following suggested questions. Be flexible depending on the specific need(s) of the group. Take the lead to share if no one is willing to but make it brief and concise so that others will have a chance to share their views.

Q1. In the video, the speaker shared that many people seek happiness from wrong sources. Can you list these wrong sources?

Q2. Does it mean that having money, success, fun or relationships are bad? If not, what does it mean? Encourage participants to share examples of people they know or read ( eg movie stars, businessmen, friends, etc ) that have depended on these wrong sources for true happiness.

Q3. How can be one be truly happy according to the bible?

4. Involve (10-15 min)

Sharing and Caring
Invite participants to share their prayer needs. Bless each of your participants :-

a. For prebelievers
Pray they will come to know the Lord.
Lead pre-believers in the Salvation's prayer, if they express desire to invite Jesus into their lives:

Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Personal Saviour and Lord. Thank You for giving me eternal life and making me a child of God. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

b. For believers
Pray that they will grow and join a cell and know the Lord better.

Closing Prayer (optional, to be used as appropriate):
Lord Jesus, thank you for reminding us that true happiness is determined by the condition of our heart and not by circumstances around us. I apply the blood that was shed from Your heart. I exchange my heart of brokenness – one that is filled with disappointments, anger, bitterness and fear with Your heart. Grant me true joy, happiness and fulfillment. Open the eyes of my heart so that I will trust You fully and know You better.In Jesus' Name, Amen.

What's Up ?

  • Tell your participants that this is the last group session.
  • If the participants are interested to continue to meet, they can indicate their desire to you.
  • Continue to maintain contact with the participants who are not continuing meeting you in the group.