Growing Kids God’s Way

Registration Period: 2 March 2021 – 27 March 2021


This core curriculum lays the groundwork for your parenting, no matter where you are in the process. This programme is designed to take parents through the process of building a loving family unit by raising morally responsible children. You can sign up the full course (17 sessions) or by modules.


Session 1 How to Raise a Moral Child Participants learn why we need to give our children a moral or practical reason why when we give them a directive.
Session 2 Right Beginnings The importance of the husband-wife relationship is emphasised, as children need a secure atmosphere to grow up in. If you are a single parent, Gary & Anne Marie deal sensitively with the special issues that confront you.
Session 3 Touchpoints of Love “The Five Love Languages” by Dr Gary Chapman are the key to this session. Do you know how to say “I Love You” to your spouse and your children in their love language?
Session 4 The Father’s Mandate Fathers are shown what their God-given role is in the family. 8 non-negotiable imperatives for the father are identified.
Session 5 Your Child’s Conscience How much do you understand about the conscience and how it works? Class members do a test to determine the state of their own conscience.

(Pre-requisite: Complete Module 1)

Session 6 Respect for Authority and Parents A very practical lesson that covers matters such as honouring parents and respect for those who have authority, such as police, teachers, etc.
Session 7 Respect for Age Training children to honour and respect age is training them to honour God. What happened to Mr & Mrs? Teaching your children the “Interrupt Rule”.
Session 8 Respect for Peers, Property, and Nature How to teach children to respect the dominion of others. The emphasis is not on the object but on showing respect for the person who owns the object.
Session 9 Principles of Obedience When you give your child a command, do they respond with “Yes, Mum” or “Yes, Dad”? First-time obedience is achievable. What is it like in your family?
Session 10 Discipline with Encouragement Encouragement is a very important part of discipline. You will learn the difference between a reward and a bribe.

(Pre-requisite: Complete Module 1)

Session 11 Discipline with Correction Learn the difference between “childishness” and “foolishness”. Also, under-punishing sets too low a value on the sin but over-punishing exasperates the child.
Session 12 Consequences and Punishment Many parents fall into the cultural use of spanking instead of the biblical application. A child is robbed of dignity when parents use intimidation, threats, yelling, and other unbiblical forms of correction rather than biblical chastisement.
Session 13 Repentance, Forgiveness, and Restoration Unfortunately, people often confuse regret with repentance. You cannot repent without regret, but you can regret without repentance.
Session 14 Discipline Issues (Part One) We can allow our children too many choices that are not age-appropriate. The result is that a child becomes “wise in their own eyes”.
Session 15 Discipline Issues (Part Two) We look at whining, lying, cheating, stealing, temper tantrums, micro-vs-macro rebellion, power struggles, etc.
Session 16 The Appeal Process Colossians 3:21 says, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children.” This lesson shows you how you can fulfil this scriptural injunction.
Session 17 Building a Healthy Family What will your family identity be in another 3, 5, or 10 years? Have you cultivated a team spirit in your home? Have you instilled a God-honouring value system into your children’s lives? Who else is raising our children? Family structures promote or hinder healthy parent-child relationships, as well as sibling-sibling relationships.


  Full Course Module 1 Module 2 Module 3

27 March – 28 August
(17 Saturdays)

27 March – 24 April
(5 Saturdays)

8 May – 5 June
(5 Saturdays)

3 July – 28 August
(7 Saturdays)

Time 2pm - 4pm
Venue Online via Zoom

Registration Procedure

  1. Register online at:
  2. Upon successful registration, you will receive an email confirmation.

If you do not receive the email confirmation within a day, please email Priscilla Ng at or contact 9786 6288.