First Time Visitors

If you are visiting us for the first time or have a friend who is visiting, drop by the GKidz Visitor Counter located at the following venues to get registered:

Touch Centre

David Club (18 months - 4 years old)
Parkway Centre #05-01
Timothy Club (5 - 6 years old)
Parkway Centre #05-01 (English Services)
Chapel @ TC (Chinese Service)
Timothy Club (7 - 9 years old)
Chapel @ TC
Barnabas Club (10 - 12 years old)
Chapel @ TC

Gateway Theatre

David Club (18 months - 4 years old)
Block 162 Room 4
Timothy Club (5 - 9 years old)
Block 162 Room 4
Barnabas Club (10 - 12 years old)
Block 162 Room 4

FCBC Suntec

Visitor Counter
Outside Room 328