Open Heavens at Jubilee Day of Prayer

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Jubilee Day of Prayer (JDOP) was indeed a historic moment, not just for the Church in Singapore, but for the whole nation. While I was at the Sports Hub, I could sense God’s approval, and I believe He has opened the heavens as we go forth to fulfill His purpose in our land. Such a show of unity among God’s people is unprecedented for Singapore. The last time 50,000 believers packed the National Stadium was in 1978 during Billy Graham’s crusade almost 37 years ago. Back then, the churches in Singapore were united in their belief that thousands will come to know the Lord in an unprecedented harvest.

3000 FCBCians together with 51,000 believers at JDOP 2015 with SP Lawrence & SP Nina and guest of honour, PM Lee Hsien Loong

Lifting up the scarlet thread of redemption

This JDOP, we experienced the same sense of spiritual excitement with a turnout of 51,000 Christians. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong even remarked that the National Stadium was as crowded as a football match. Yet, what I found most incredible was the coming together of some of the major streams of the Body of Christ in Singapore in one accord. The Bishops of the Anglican, Methodist and Lutheran churches, together with the Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore (EFOS) as well as the LoveSingapore network of churches were all together in one place. Five years ago, this would have been impossible. But now, after God’s strategic change of leadership, all of us stand together with oneness of heart. Through this experience, I was deeply assured that God has heard our prayers these last three years since LoveSingapore’s churches started coming together daily to pray at Kum Yan Methodist Church every morning.

Saying the pledge

Praying for Singapore Jubilee

In addition, the presence of both our President and Prime Minister, together with other ministers, demonstrated the harmony between Singapore’s religious groups and the government. It was assuring to hear our Prime Minister say during his speech that the government appreciates the values and morals that the various religions and faiths have imparted to the people. I believe the prayer of Aaron’s blessing that was sung unto him will have great spiritual significance, not only in the life of our beloved Prime Minister, but in the future of Singapore as well.

FCBC, let’s have faith that God will open the heavens and pour out His Spirit among us as we continue to believe Him in helping our 1728 disciples find their 12. God is at work. Let’s labour in faith with Him!

- Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong