A New Season for FCBC

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Gateway Theatre is completed at last! After a three-year long wait, we were finally back in our beloved Bukit Merah neighbourhood to enjoy and experience the beauty and grandeur of this brand new building in person. To see and touch what was only visualised through pictures and drawings before was a dream come true for many of our members. On the first weekend of August 2016, we gathered in Gateway Theatre as a family to celebrate this new season and dedicate the building and all its possibilities to God. For this special weekend, Senior Pastor Lawrence took on the massive task of preaching at all seven services – it was a sermon on how nothing is impossible for God.

Coincidentally, the first day of our dedication services was also a special day for Senior Pastor Nina. It was her birthday! Senior Pastor Lawrence, together with the entire church congregation, wished her a very happy and blessed birthday. It was such a lovely way to celebrate this dedication weekend.

Senior Pastor Lawrence’s sermon highlighted the importance of shooting for greatness and never-ending possibilities with God. Although our vision to effect God’s touch on the arts and entertainment industry and the youth of Singapore may seem like a huge task, with God, FCBC is not too small, Gateway Entertainment is not too small, and Gateway Theatre is definitely not too small.

“We must never be afraid of the size of the task that God has given to us. God’s work grows when we’re not discouraged by the little that we have.” – Senior Pastor Lawrence

Wrapping up his sermon, Senior Pastor Lawrence reminded us all that revival takes place when God takes over. But first, we must begin by surrendering our pride and arrogance, and allow God to ‘break’ us.

“I’ve learnt in my life that God doesn’t use a building, He uses people. This building is not the temple of God, You, His people, are the temple of God.” – Senior Pastor Lawrence

Let every one of us become a temple that will move and shake the generations to come. Through us, we will see Haggai 2:9 come to pass – “‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”