G12 Conference, Indonesia (2017)

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Team Pastors:  Pastor Simon Yee and Pastor Marilyn Yee

Team Members: Stephen Hoe, Lee Siew Ping, Harriet Tan, Edmund Wong, Chang Mun Lan, Clement Lim, Clare Lim, Kenneth Tan, Boh Tuan Kim, Desmond Chua, Julie Soh, Lek Chun Han, Serene Woon, Sam Tan, Lisa Wong, Sean Lee, Joanne Chua, Joseph Lee, Josephine Lie and Dillen Ling

Reporters: Serene, Joanne and Lisa 

Day 1: 16 November 2017

From Singapore to Berastagi

Pastors Simon and Marilyn led an excited team of 20 FCBC members from Singapore to attend the first G12 conference in Indonesia. Besides Pastor’s 12, the team also included Pastor’s 144 and 1728! 

Early in the morning at 5.30am, we gathered at Changi Airport Terminal 2, sleepy yet excited for our trip to Berastagi.  This was my third mission trip and I was looking forward to what God would do in my life. I have learnt that when we heed the call to serve the nations, we would also receive breakthroughs and blessings from God. It could be a breakthrough in our heart or in our mindset.  We have experienced His Spirit moving powerfully every time we gather with the nations.  This is truly the heartbeat of God – the unity of His people!

The one-hour flight to Medan passed by very quickly. At the airport, we were greeted by Pastor Ezra Kunaraz of Elim Kairos Church in Berastagi, who had travelled a long way to meet us. After collecting our luggage, we set off with great expectation to Berastagi!  

FCBC Team meets Elim Kairos Team

It was a narrow and winding path up to the highlands of Berastagi. We were thankful for an experienced driver who was able to handle the winding paths without causing anyone to suffer motion sickness. Pastor Janice and the staff of Elim Kairos Church turned out in full force to welcome us at lunch. The two teams had a good time catching up with one another. Many of the FCBC members had built friendships with the Elim Kairos team over the many years that Pastor Simon and Pastor Marilyn had been working with them.

After months of hard work, Pastor Ezra shared with great joy that 530 participants had signed up for the first G12 conference. Each participant paid S$2 to attend and it was a lot of money to the local people. After lunch, Pastor Simon shared a message from John 20. He challenged us to respond like Mary to seek the Lord and cling to Him in times of adversity. As children of God, we are placed in kingly positions. Yet so often we still live like slaves. We react so quickly in the flesh at the slightest challenge. May we shake off our slavery mentality and start to exercise the authority that God has bestowed upon us.

The FCBC team was also given the privilege to minister and prophesy over the Elim Kairos team. Pastor Simon also blessed Pastor Ezra and Pastor Janice as they were leading their first G12 conference.

Two churches with a common vision

Blessings upon Pastor Ezra and Pastor Janice as they lead the church forward

It was an honour for us to minister to our brethren at Elim Kairos Church

Opening of G12 Conference in Berastagi

The first G12 conference in Berastagi opened amidst a joyful atmosphere, to a packed sanctuary at Elim Kairos Church. Many pastors from Berastagi, Medan and other parts of Sumatra were present, such as Pastor David (Gereja Elim Medan) and Pastor Yoyong (Gereja Kristen Perjanjian Baru).

The Elim Kairos team led a powerful time of worship to usher in God’s presence.  The G12 theme for the year was “We are the Light”. The stage was adorned with glittering lights and worship songs were based on the same theme. Despite not knowing Bahasa Indonesia, the key worship song “Tuhan adalah Terangku” (God is my light) stirred in our hearts as we danced and sang together with the congregation. We could feel the church was filled with much joy as they embarked unto a new beginning with the G12 Vision.

Pastor shared an opening message on the G12 Vision. The centre of this Vision is God’s heartbeat for the lost. It is a vision to win the world for Christ. It is not about amassing position or power for any single church. The Vision encompasses the transformation of nations to restore God’s purpose on earth and to accelerate the mission of discipleship and evangelism. For individual churches, the Vision is to mobilise the whole congregation to engage in disciple-making, to proliferate cell groups and to empower all to rise up, especially the youth!

To further illustrate the G12 Vision, Pastor invited his 12 to share their experience in the G12 Vision. One outstanding feature of the G12 Vision is the emphasis on both husband and wife serving as a team. Through G12, wives are no longer bystanders to their husbands’ ministry but an active partner. The Vision empowers and releases women to leadership. On this note, Pastor gave an altar call to bless all the couples attending the conference.

Pastor Ezra and Pastor Janice opening the first G12 conference in Berastagi

The fully packed sanctuary was filled with joyful praise and worship to God

Pastor Simon and Pastor Marilyn greeting the congregation as Pastor Daniel interpreted for them

Pastor Simon invited his team to share their experience being in the G12 Vision

Day 2: 17 November 2017

Pastor Simon’s Message

The conference continued in the afternoon of Day 2 with Pastor Simon sharing a message from 2 Kings 6 on how we can aspire to grow from “smallness to greatness” in our journey of disciple-making. 

We may feel it is fine to be in a small environment. However in 2 Kings 6, the prophets with Elisha were not satisfied with their small dwelling place. They requested their mentor, Elisha, to go with them to build a larger place. When we find ourselves in a small environment, we must be eager to move out. As we move out, we need spiritual guidance from our leaders. It is important to note that we are not building our own private kingdoms but God’s Kingdom. We do not need to journey alone but humble ourselves to partner with our spiritual leaders to extend the Kingdom. Obedience and submission to God and the leaders over us is key in disciple-making. As we build His Kingdom, we must be ready to face challenges. One of prophets with Elisha lost the iron axe head in the Jordan while working. To help him, Elisha cut off a stick and threw it in the water and made the iron float. He commanded the prophet to “pick it up”. Our leaders can help us in this journey but we must have the faith to “pick it up” and own disciple-making for ourselves.

Pastor preparing to share the Word

The FCBC team praying for the people

Pastor Ezra’s Message

Pastor Ezra shared a short but impactful message from 1 Chronicles 28:20. 

“Be strong and of good courage, and do it, do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God – my God – will be with you.  He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished the work for the service for the house of the Lord.”

This is an important reminder that none of us can fulfill God’s calling with our own strength. As Elim Kairos Church advances with the G12 Vision, she will face opposition, challenges and even disappointments. The Lord tells us plainly that we can expect resistance. However, He will not leave us to struggle on our own. He commands us to be strong and of good courage. He is our God and He will be with us until His work is completed.

Pastor Janice’s Message

Pastor Janice shared an important message from the heart of the G12 Vision on discipleship and marriage. God’s plan for marriage is to establish and build His Kingdom (Genesis 1:28). It is two people with one mission – to glorify God.  When both husband and wife serve God together without complaining or disputing (Philippians 2:14-16), they no longer focus on themselves but focus on God. Both husband and wife shall experience joy that comes only from the Lord. Pastor Janice shared that as she served the Lord together with her husband, it has helped her draw closer to her husband. 

Pastor concluded with Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 that two is better than one. To many, marriage can be a tremulous and painful relationship. It may seem impossible to have oneness between husband and wife. But there is hope in the Lord. As we posture our heart for oneness, He is faithful to help us foster unity in our marriage to serve Him.

Celebration Service at Hotel Sibayak

The last session of the G12 conference was held in Hotel Sibayak.  The ballroom was fully packed with a joyous crowd worshipping God. After worship, Pastor Ezra and Pastor Janice presented their G12 team to the congregation. It was a picture of unity and strength as the 12 couples took their place behind their Pastors. Pastor Simon and the FCBC team blessed Pastor Ezra, Pastor Janice and their 12 as they began their journey to establish the G12 Vision in Elim Kairos.

Pastor Simon shared an impactful message from Joshua 1 on how God’s people can cross over to the Promised Land successfully. We must let go of the past, lay hold of God’s promises and live in His presence daily.

A Trip to Mount Gundaling

After the Celebration Service, we were given a treat to visit Mount Gundaling for a view of the town from its peak. As we took in the view and the chilly mountain air, our hosts blessed us with hot spicy ginger tea, delicious Indian Mutabak and local Indomie Goreng! The night was filled with laughter and joy as we celebrated with Pastor Ezra and Pastor Janice, commemorating a new beginning for Elim Kairos Church in the G12 Vision.

A great turnout at the final session of G12 conference

Pastor Ezra and Pastor Janice presented their 12 on stage for the first time

The FCBC team prayed for Pastor Ezra, Pastor Janice and their 12 to prosper in the G12 Vision

A memorable time at Mount Gundaling

Day 2: 17 November 2017

Parenting Seminar

Report by Joanne

There were 150 participants and 21 children at the parenting seminar. It started off with a worship song and introduction. Edmund and Mun Lan started with Part 1 of the seminar which is the 6As of effective parenting: Acceptance, Appreciation, Affection, Availability, Accountability and Authority. These 6 factors, which are based on God's Word, are tools to help parents bring up their children in a godly and effective way. Edmund emphasised to always put God as number 1 in the parenting journey. Sean and Joanne demonstrated to the parents how to show appreciation to Joseph, their son. Joseph also shared with the attendees how his parents (Sean and Joanne) would correct him when he does something wrong. Joseph also showed how he would respect his parents’ authority and thus establish boundaries for him.

In the second part, both Edmund and Mun Lan shared on the differences between emotion-dismissing parents and emotion-coaching parents. They explained the importance of settling children’s emotions first before attempting to settle their problems. The parenting seminar ended with a Q&A session and presentation of gifts to appreciate Edmund and Mun Lan.

Appreciation to Edmund and Mun Lan for their ministry to the parents

Edmund and Mun Lan explaining the 6As of effective parenting

Parents listening attentively as the speakers shared valuable parenting wisdom

Sean showed how he would appreciate his son, Joseph, for being self-disciplined

Day 2: 17 November 2017

School Ministry

Report by Serene

7 (God’s perfect number) of the FCBC team went to the Secondary School of SMA Negeri 1 to minister to the youth aged 16 to 19 years old. 5 of us were there to support Clement and Clare who were leading the ministry to the school. Clement spoke to the boys while Clare spoke to the girls.

Clare’s message to the girls was “Run away from youthful lust and pursue righteousness” based on 2 Timothy 2:22. With a simple skit, she not only imparted knowledge on how to be pure but also affirmed the girls of their significance and identity in Christ. What’s more, she shared “beauty” tips on developing inner beauty! She also assured them that repentance would restore them to a position of purity.

When Clare gave an altar call to the girls to live righteously, it was a touching moment to see all the hands raised and heads bowed as they followed Clare in a prayer of commitment. The session ended on a fun and sweet note with a simple game and chocolates for the last four winners.  

Over at the boys, Pastor Daniel was able to connect with the boys as he played some simple icebreakers with them. After the icebreaker, one of the students led the worship. Most of the boys worshipped the Lord with enthusiasm and energy. Pastor Daniel introduced the FCBC team after the worship. Clement shared a powerful message on the two areas of temptation that the boys should look out for – money and girls. He started by sharing that we all should have goals and goals are good. But we need to be careful not to be carried away with making money unscrupulously.

Clement asked the boys if they have girlfriends. Then he asked if they have sisters. He advised the boys to respect their girlfriends and treat them the way they would want their own sisters to be treated. On the temptation of women, Clement shared the story of Joseph, who did the right thing but was thrown into prison. Eventually, Joseph was vindicated by God and became the second most powerful man in Egypt.

Clement shared about the value of money by sharing briefly about Howard Hughes and John Rockefeller. He wrapped up the session by praying for the boys. Clement was able to connect with the boys well even though it was through an interpreter. Pastor Daniel gave an altar call to those who needed prayer and about 30 youths came forward for prayer.

Every student received an FCBC-Elim Kairos souvenir pen and a flyer for the Berastagi G12 conference. More importantly, God’s Word had been deposited into their hearts to guide them in their lives ahead. Indeed, the Lord had used a great couple, Clement and Clare, to bless about 500 youths at SMA abundantly.  All glory to God.

Clement shared how young men should beware of the temptations of money and girls

Clare led the girls to make a prayer of commitment to live a life of purity for God

Day 3: 18 November 2017

Meeting with Pastor Ezra’s and Pastor Janice’s 12

After the conference had ended, Pastor Simon and the FCBC team met with Pastor Ezra and his 12 to share how to operationalise the G12 Vision. The session kicked off at Mount Zion Chapel with a spontaneous worship by both teams singing worship songs in our respective languages. It was a hilarious moment as Kenneth led us in an impromptu performance of a popular mandarin song “月亮代表我的心” (The moon represents my heart)!   

Pastor wanted the Elim Kairos team to hear from the tribe leaders, as they would be embarking on their journey to form their own tribes. Pastor Simon’s 12 took turns to share how the G12 system works, the challenges they faced and how they relate to one another in the G12 family and to Pastor Simon who is their team pastor. 

Pastor Simon also showed how he and Pastor Marilyn stay connected with their 12 through weekly meetings based on a fixed schedule. 

Both teams having a great time worshipping God together

Pastor Simon invited his 12 to share their experiences leading their tribes

Pastor Ezra’s 12 presenting gifts to the FCBC team

The G12 teams from Singapore and Berastagi

Youth Celebration Service at Elim Kairos Church

We had the privilege to join the Youth Celebration Service at Elim Kairos Church. The young people danced and sang freely, expressing their worship to God without reservation. You could feel the presence of the Lord in their praise and worship. As we worshipped, the Lord reminded us of how precious the young people are to Him and as spiritual parents we must pray for them constantly so that they can reach their potential for God.

Pastor shared a message on young David, encouraging the youths to be patient, faithful and obedient to God. During ministry time, we had an overwhelming response as the youths poured out their souls, crying out to God. The FCBC team, including our two youths, Joseph and Dillen, ministered to the young people in the power of the Lord. Though we were unable to converse in Bahasa, we prayed in tongues for them. In particular, Joseph prayed in tongues for a youth and he experienced the Lord giving him a new tongue. Though Joseph did not know what he had prayed in tongues, the youth was grateful and thanked him for praying for his family. Truly it is “Not by might, not by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6)

The youth worshipping the Lord with all their heart, soul and strength

Pastor Simon blessed Pastor Daniel in his ministry to the youth

Pastor Simon exhorted the youth to be faithful and obedient to God like young David

Pastor Simon encouraging the youth of Berastagi to rise up for God

Meeting with Chinese Congregation

We were delighted to have the opportunity to meet the Chinese congregation of Elim Kairos. We had a wonderful fellowship with a simple icebreaker game and dinner. Pastor Simon shared a message from Mark 10 to encourage the congregation to aspire to make a difference as they come to church. The altar was opened for those needing ministry.

Worshipping the Lord with the Chinese congregation

It has been a blessing to minister to the Chinese congregation

Day 4: 19 November 2017

Sunday Celebration Service

On our final day at Berastagi, we attended the Sunday Celebration service at Elim Kairos Church. Pastor Simon shared an encouraging message titled “Removing the Lid” from 1 Samuel. He illustrated the difference between the lives of King Saul and David. Saul was poised to be successful as he came from a good family, he was God’s anointed and Prophet Samuel was his spiritual father. However, Saul was unable to breakthrough as he did not deal with the ‘lids’ in his life. These lids include fear, disobedience, inferiority, jealousy and others. On the contrary, David’s life was filled with opposition from his family and even his king. Yet we see David rising up no matter the circumstances. He did not allow any limitation to restrict his life as he put his faith in God. He perceived problems to be stepping stones, rather than stumbling blocks to success. After the message, there was a great number coming forth for salvation.

Worship at the Sunday Celebration Service at Elim Kairos Church

Pastor Simon invited his 12 to release blessings upon Eim Kairos Church

We were greatly blessed as we witnessed the work of the Holy Spirit upon the people of Elim Kairos Church

It was double joy for all of us as we celebrated the Lord’s Day and Kim’s birthday

Arrival in Medan

After lunch at Restoran Asia in Berastagi, we made our way back to Medan by coach. In the evening, we had the opportunity to meet with Pastor Yoyong and his family. We were able to spend some time with our Christian friends who had been very hospitable to us whenever we visit Medan or Berastagi. Our hosts also brought us to savour some delicious local fare such as durians, popiah and ondeh ondeh.

We had the opportunity to fellowship with Pastor Yoyong, his wife, Rohani, and his daughter, Karen

We are very grateful to Pedro and his wife, Hui Ling, who travelled a long way to be with us in Medan

Pastor Simon prayed for Mr and Mrs Fong, who showered us with love and generousity in Medan

Great fellowship for Pastor Ezra, Pastor Yoyong and Pastor Simon

Day 5: 20 November 2017

Going Home to Singapore

The last day in Medan was free and easy for the team as we were scheduled to return to Singapore in the evening. As time was scarce, we chose to visit a shopping centre near the hotel. We boarded the coach around 3.30pm even though our flight was at 8pm due to the heavy traffic in Medan city. Despite the long ride, Pastor Ezra and Pastor Janice accompanied us to the airport and had dinner with us before we boarded our flight. Time passed swiftly during this mission trip. I have been very blessed as I felt the Lord has done a new work in me. As Elim Kairos Church crossed over to their Promised Land, I felt the Lord is also helping me to breakthrough the ‘lids’ that I have in my life so that I can cross over to a new beginning. With 2017 drawing to a close, let us purpose to cross over to 2018 victoriously!