FCBC's Star Athlete - Goh Chui Ling

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Did you know: FCBC has our very own national athletes! We took the chance to speak to one of them this past week. She’s Goh Chui Ling from Pastor Roland Lee and Lai Fun’s team – a Law student at the National University of Singapore (NUS) as well as a national Track & Field athlete.

From a young age, she has taken part in major and national competitions such as the Incheon Asian Games, Singapore SEA Games, ASEAN School Games, Myanmar SEA Games, Thailand Open, Malaysia Open and Singapore Open.

Let’s hear from her!

How did you get started on the sport?

I started track & field in secondary one in Macpherson Secondary School. I joined track & field because my two older sisters were also in track & field. I started out as a high jumper in secondary school and proceeded on to sprinting in Hwa Chong Junior College and NUS. 

What are challenges you face as an athlete, and how do you overcome them?

Before I joined the national team, my biggest challenge was my self-esteem. I felt that I was not good enough to get recognition and go further in the sport. Many times I felt like giving up. During this journey, I was reminded that God is in control and He makes all things good in His time, not mine. I learnt to be patient. 

After I joined the national team, my biggest challenge was pressure and expectation. Being recognised came with its own package of fears and insecurities. I was always anxious and worried about not being able to meet expectations during the races. Before my races, I can be so nervous that I would not be able to sleep well. I recall crying and breaking down one day before my race. My cell leader then, Cindy, encouraged me to read "Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyer, and I learnt that emotions like anxieties and worries only hinder your performance. I started stepping out of my shell by going out to pray for my competitors whom I believe are as anxious and worried as I was. Then I started joining sports ministry and found purpose in being a Christian national athlete!

What keeps you strong in your faith journey?

I believe it’s the community of God that keeps me strong in my faith. I have a wonderful cell group and supportive leaders who will keep me in prayer. Within the national team community, we have a Christian ministry group called AthleteSG. We meet up often to share about our experiences and encourage each other.

More than just the community, I also spend time with God daily. The challenges I face in sports have brought me closer to God, to learn more about Him and understand my journey. God has taught me to be disciplined and faithful in what I do, in sports and other activities like my studies.  

How do you live out your faith as a Christian in the world of sports?

Other than praying and blessing my friends and competitors, I always believe in doing my best for God. I run the race to obtain the one prize in mind, as preached by Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 9:24). But I also believe that the outcome is for God to dictate. Regardless of the outcome of the race, I always choose to give glory and thanks to God. So I always run my best, and let God do the rest.  

Any last words to inspire our young generation out there?

I started out as a school athlete but God gave me a dream of representing Singapore at SEA Games. When God gives you a passion and a dream, you have the option to chase it with God by your side. I would encourage you to join God in that journey – it will be quite fulfilling. Nonetheless, in whatever you do, you have to give your best – that's the least we can do for the talents that God has given each of us. 

2015 Singapore 28th SEA Games 400m – 6th; Personal Best
2014 Incheon 17th Asian Games 4x400m Relay
2013 Myanmar SEA Games
2013 Thailand Open 200m
2013 Malaysia Open 200m
2013 ASEAN University Games 400m
2012 Singapore Open 400m Hurdles – Gold
2008 ASEAN School Track and Field High Jump – 4th