A Bloody Weekend

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

This Easter, things ran a little differently at FCBC. Instead of inviting our pre-believing friend to the usual cell parties where we’d share the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ through stories, videos and skits, we invited them to donate blood together with us at the Drops of Life blood donation drive. It was LoveSingapore’s very first blood donation drive.

“Every day, 400 units of blood are needed to treat the ill and injured in Singapore. But we’re facing a severe lack of regular blood donors. Less than 2% of our population donate blood and with the threat of new diseases and all sorts of possible crises that may happen, we want to encourage more Singaporeans to be regular donors.” - Deputy Senior Pastor Daniel Khong

We’re happy to report that more than 600 people participated in this life-giving act of kindness. Truly, there was no better time to give blood than Good Friday, the day Jesus shed His blood to save humanity. We’re proud of our FCBC members and their friends, who followed Jesus’ compassionate example and donated their life-giving blood to meet our nation’s need.

“Blood donation is in reality a strategic aspect of Total Defence! If we love our nation, we would want to bless her and protect her in every way. Blood donation is one such way we can give back to our nation.” - Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong

This message on the importance of blood was also woven into the sermon that Pastor Daniel Khong preached at our Easter Celebration Services. He shared that Jesus Christ is the first and greatest blood donor of all. Because of His blood, not only are we free from sin, but we’re also restored back to God and we no longer need to be separated.

“We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.” (1 John 3:16, NLT)

Yes, let us honour Jesus’ sacrifice by continuing to give Drops of Life. Together, we can achieve LoveSingapore’s target of 5,000 blood donors by the end of 2016. If you’re willing to pledge to be a regular donor, register your pledge at dropsoflife.eventbrite.sg